The government here is giving every pensioner and low income earner a one off $1000 payment this week to stimulate the economy before Christmas after October's financial shenanigans in the USA....
That equals $10.4 BILLION of tax payers money! Because it applies to everyone who is a pensioner, single mum, disability, on the dole/job search welfare ( :shock: ) - well anyone who relies on government social security in any form - that means some households can be receiving up to $7000 on one lump sum!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:
The 'intention' of the government is for these people to immediately spend it... but they are under no obligation to do so... on ANYTHING THEY WANT! :shock: So some have said on the news that they're going to spend it on a holiday overseas (yeah good one - take the money outside of the aussie economy and give it to Indonesia!!! :? ) , on a wedding, on a plasma TV... one idiot even said he's just going to drink his $1000....!
Now, do the 9-5 hard working, TAX PAYING people get this money as well...? NO!!!!!
*I* get sweet bugger -all! Being middle class, with a regular job (paying regular taxes of course) I get nothing! What I *do* get to do is PAY for the bastards who just sit on their asses doing nothing all day down the beach.
Good one Mr Rudd... (Prime MInister of Australia) - you f*cking moron...
Sean I colour stuff...