'It's Friday...' posted by littlestar - 25/07/2008, 10:59:58
My weed eater has been broken for the past week or so, resulting in my grass getting taller than it should, resulting in a code inspector for the home owner's association leaving me a note, on Tuesday, on my door pointing this fact out and telling me to fix it withing 7 days. I didn't pay this note any mind as I work 12 hour nighttime shifts and in the few days off a week I get I've been hunting for a replacement part for the weed eater, so it's not like the grass is tall due to negligence. And I actually found the replacement part I needed yesterday so my grass is now cut.
But then yesterday, two days after the first note (and a few hours before I get my replacement part), he leaves a second note on my door that basically reiterated what the first note said and saying that cutting the grass was my responsibility (no s#%t). And that bothered me. Giving me a window of opportunity to fix a discrepancy is all well and good, but to b^ch at me while that window is still open is in bad taste and poor form (not to mention just plain rude), especially when I don't require anyone to tell me to mow my lawn in the first place.
So you know now what I must do. I sent him a backhanded letter yesterday night that basically said, "Shut up and back off!" and "Don't you have better things to do than to tell someone, 'Mow your lawn!' every few days?"
And I don't care if he doesn't like it; that's what he gets for jumping the gun like that. He should have given the second notice at the same time that he gave the first, which I pointed out to him.
How's that? Interesting enough for you to read?