This whole thing is genious, so I will share the entire game with you!
There will be a $100 bill hidden somewhere in the house. Each contestant will be given the first clue (of 3) to find it. After a brief introductory letter, they get the clue: "I am a window not to the outside world but to the mind. I am a mirror that reflects not your image, but your imagination." (BTW, Blackadder ITC makes for a great handwriting script, which all of my letters are done in to look more enticing.)
The answer to the riddle is, "a painting." There will be only one painting in the house at the time. The second clue will be taped to the back frame of it.
The second clue, which you must read in its entirety to fully understand, reads: "It seems that the first clue was quite simple for you to determine! I hope you’re ready for the second round! If not, take a little breather! Plunging into the water now will only rob you of ore strength. You must be well-rested to take on this challenge, least your resolve fail, and you find yourself whirling into unconsciousness. Here is your second clue: I am without color. Of all my facets, there is one that you will never see. It is here that the final clue awaits you."
For anyone who remembers basic science, white is not a color. "Many facets" means "many faces" (can refer to anything, though diamonds are most linked with this word), so they're looking for a white object with many faces (or sides). Combine this with "plunging into the water" and "whirling" and the answer should be quite easy to determine: a toilet. I've taped the third clue to the back of the toilet tank (the only facet that can't be seen).
The third clue is even more complex. There are FOUR paragraphs in the letter. I say to them at the end, "Take the primary letters and unscramble them...Combine it with kailyard and you will determine your final destnation."
Reading the letter, they're not going to now what the primary letters are or where to find them, but the letters are the first letters of each paragraph: KSNI. There are two ways this can be unscrambled: "INKS" and "SINK." So which one to choose? Once they figure out what "kailyard" is they'll know which one to pick.
A kailyard, incidentally, is a kitchen garden, so the answer, therefore, is "kitchen sink" and not "kitchen inks." And even then, they won't find the prize. They have to, "look beyond the deceptive cover." Which, for your sake (since you all want to know) is the false ceiling. The money will be inside an envelope with a congratulatory note and a banking one taped to the hidden face of a ceiling tile.
Am I good or what?
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 11 june 2006, 19:31:00