So its been a few weeks since i was last sittin' on the ol' sev couch, n' quite a bits been happenin' as of late, so thought i'd pop on in and give you a bit of an update of whats goin' down (that and i'm sitting at work (finished), waiting for my sister to finish work in about halve an hour:P)...
As some of you may know, i was working at CSR Sugar, doin' document control over there, and towards the end of last year, found out that the job would be ending sometime, but wasn't exactly sure on when it was that it was ending...
From here lets go day by day shall we...
-Wednesday Jan 18th:
Nizza (the 3rd party recruitment agency i *technically* work for) calls to have a bit of a catch up, and talk about if i know when exactly i'll be finishing up at CSR (as they knew it would be sometime, as did i). And also to say that they had set up an interview with another company. Asked if i could go in for said interview Thursday afternoon about 4pm. I say sure.
-Thursday 19th:
Get to work in the morning. Act as if i'm working (:-P). At 4pm leave work to go the interview. Have the interview. Not really sure how the interview went, didn't think it went all the well. Bout 4.40 am back at work.
-Monday 23rd:
At work and get a call from Nizza RE: the interview, saying that the feedback was quite good, and they would like me to go in for a trial for a couple of hours one morning, and want me to see if i can get a morning off, and give them a call back tue morning. Nizza person expresses concern that CSR haven't given me a finish date, and that they wouldn't actually want to pull me out of one job, to put me into another for ethical reasons.
-Tuesday 24th (Morning):
Knowing i'll be able to get the morning off (i.e. call in the morning to say i'll be in late), call Nizza and say i'll be able to get Wednesday morning off, if the was fine. Confirm wednesday morning as trial date.
-Tuesday 24th (Afternoon):
Mark one of my managers at CSR, come and tell me that they'll probably run out of work, by the end of the week. But offer me one day a week if i don't have other full-time work.
-Wednessday 25th:
Go into Eos Joint Venture (the other company) for the trial thingie. Meet up with the girl in the rule at the time (who on a side note, was very goodlooking, and (though i didn't quite realise it till afterwards) was flirting with me quite a bit *nods* :-P), and run through some of the tasks as 'Junior Document Controller'. Filing/Scanning/Mailrun(sort of thing). All goes quite well. Have a final talk with the Document Control Manager, who says there is one other person that they're thinking of, who is coming in the afternoon to do a trial, and they'll have an answer for me by the end of the day.
-Wednesday 25th (about 20minutes later):
getttin' a bit of lunch, as i head to CSR to work for the rest of the day, when i get a call from Nizza, saying that they had had a call from Eos, and they they wanted to hire me (yay!), and they're just gonna cancel that other person (aww the them...)... YAY for me :-D
-Friday 27th:
Finish at CSR
-Monday 30th:
Start as Eos JV
New job location = better (CBD, rather then a bit outside)
Hours = same (40hours a week)
Work = better (they actually have document control department (unlike CSR), so the work is a lot better, more structured etc.
Pay = an exact $1.50 an hour (and I was already getting pretty nice pay anyways)
Overall = Yay :-D
Other Stuff:
Now as some of you may remember, my dad got a job in Darwin (top end of Australia), and my family was gonna move up there at the start of 2006. Well I didn’t end up moving with them (yay :-P). Just decided even if my CSR job ended (which obviously it did, see first halve of the post :P) I’d probably be able to just get somethin’ else anyways (which I did.. and it was better)… Just got a new phone (Sony Ericsson Z800i), 3G phone, which is great :-).
So yeah, now I live with one of my sisters (who is goin’ to Bible College this year). Have quite good job. And life is grand :-)…
Hopefully I’ll have another few grand updates as the weeks go by (*fingers crossed for Broadband2+ at my new place*). But I’ll let ya know :-)…
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 03 february 2006, 07:48:38