Next on our series Sevilians Grow Up and do Scary Life Things, EofSW and Wizzard buy a house.
Eee! And arg! And eee!
It's ours :0D There were a few bumps along the way, (some standard, some... not so. Anyone else have to take out indemnity insurance against being asked to clean up the contaminated land their house is built on? Yeah, thought not! Hahaha buying a house is so fun no it's not.) And there was a point where we genuinely thought we were going to lose it (oh hey fun fact that point was called the weekend of our first anniversary so that was relaxing and stress-free). But now it's ours and we have the keys and that means nobody* can take it away from us :0D
*Except the mortgage lender. Details schmetails. You might or might not remember me coming on here in September and babbling about having been approved for a mortgage. What I didn't mention was that earlier that day, we'd viewed a house - our first. Well it's that house up there :0) We sat on it for a few months and saw other places but ended up coming right back to this one. (We were put off by needing to a little work - it's all in perfect condition, but we want to reconfigure the upstairs from 3 bed to 4. But after 6 months we decided to just go for it. Not least because the rent we'd paid in that time would have covered the building work!)
So we've bought a house which we first saw on the 11th anniversary of our first meeting. And that pleases the sentimentalist in me.
We're home owners! How'd that happen? Is it even allowed?