I think it's time for everyone here to put up hands if you're a sevillian and you got married to someone else or another sevillian.
I'd love to here about it, how it happened and what are your memories of the first time you met them?
Sev was how I found littlestar and now I love her a lot and I married her, though she sometimes wonders why she married me. Like when I go into "annoy the shite out of her" mode. :)
I remember it was a JS, my first JS, and we were all being silly before the JS began. I handed littlestar a faulty "sevqi" brain. Her response made me laugh then and I had the beginings of my "I think I should try to get to know her more" thoughts.
I remember how nervous I was when I first called her on the phone. Would she even talk to me? Was she going to think I was a stalker.
Then the really nervous one, I met her for real. Well I ment to meet her and be all suave and sophisticated when I walked of the plane at Melbourne Airport, instead I was so nervous I walked straight past her. She had to practically jump in front of me to get my attention. That day though, what a wonderful day. I new then and there that I wanted to be with her forever, and now I am. :) I love it, even if littlestar thinks I'm some sick perverted wierdo internet stalker who is holding her against her will. :) Nah, I'm sure she doesn't.
Well, spill the beans everyone else. Let's hear about your sev marriages. :) §evqui§