Not for me, though (feel free to rip on me for that); my father. Dad's getting married for the fourth time on May 25th,and for a complete change of pace, I'm actually invited to this one. I wasn't born for the first one, I was six for the second one so I wouldn't have been aware enough to care, but I was in my teens for the third one and would like to have gone, but he didn't tell anyone of it until after the fact.
I'm going to be one of his groomsmen and I'll be decked out in full dress blues for the event, (that's the sailor uniform that's black and has that flappy thing on the back and will include medals) which sucks, because I had to re-buy all of my medals, which is expensive (they were $6.95 USD each and thankfully I only had to buy three). The last time I did full dress was when I re-enlisted and the medals completely fell apart when I was attempting to get them on the one-bar (the thing that holds the medals on the uniform). Hopefully, I'll have better luck this time.