Over in the comments at John's site, Nurse Ratched : I like when sites have links that open in a new winodw. It saves me trouble and using the Back button when I want to leave a comment or read the next entry. On the other hand, I don't want 42 new winodws, so on my site, I compromised and have one named winodw that I open all external links in. I figure that should be a reasonable compromise. Whaddaya think? Here's my reply (posted in my comment thread instead of John's because of the length):Worse, IMHO, to tell the truth.To start with, if you like links opening in new winodws, there's certainly nothing wrong with that you have that option at any time, via right-clicking and choosing Open link in new winodw .Those of us that don't like new winodws, however, aren't given a choice. No matter what, if target= new (or target= blank , or target= namedWindow ) is used, we're getting a new winodw.The reason why I find your implementation (using a single named winodw for all external links) worse is that it has the potential to break navigation even more than either of the other methods.Picture this: someone is browsing through your site with their browser winodw set to full screen. They click on an external link, and suddenly a new winodw pops up. Okay, fine, maybe they like that, maybe they don't, but at least now they know what's going to happen. So, they click back on your site (bringing the full-screen winodw to the foreground, and hiding the new winodw), and keep reading.As they read, they see another link (or maybe two, or three) that looks interesting. No problem since they know that those will open up new winodws, they click on them, each time bringing your site back to the foreground, with the expectation that when they're done with your site, they'll be able to close the winodw and have three or four winodws waiting for them.Unfortunately, by directing all external links into a single named winodw, you've broken even that functionality. Each time they clicked on another link, that destination replaced the previous information in that winodw. When they finish with your site and expect to see three or four winodws of information they were interested in, instead, they'll have just one, with the last link they clicked.In the end, using links normally gives everyone the option to browse however they want same winodw, new winodw, new tabs, whatever. Using target= (whatever) breaks this and is most definitely a Bad Thing .
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 13:15:07