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'I shudder to think' posted by Nemi - 28/08/2008, 22:46:44
'Yeah.. it's annoying, but...' posted by NovaFlash - 28/08/2008, 23:31:13
'There's something which annoys me more...' posted by EofS - 29/08/2008, 04:06:41


Wow that is a great example of lousy storeworkers
previously posted:
Although even better was when I asked about fleece blankets in a homewares shop here. --8<-snip- [her] response was that no, they didn't have them. So you can imagine my surprise when I walked past the pile of fleece blankets 2m square and up to my shoulder. Right by the entrance. Ugh, sheer laziness!

I'm the opposite of those kinds of people when it comes to my area of expertise - computers. People come to me and lay down a few questions and I filter out all the crap and leave just a damned good advice for them, and the ones that know me usually take it right away. Those are usually the clients that never have a serious computer problem.

I have some clients whom I repeatedly advise to take this or that but they half-listen, decide that since it costs money they won't take it, then blow up at me over the phone when they call me claiming their computers are crap and they should never have bought it whenever a problem occurs. Well yes, I did tell you that but you weren't listening. Now that the problem is here, are you going to follow my advice and take the necessary steps to prevent it from influencing your work like this ever again? They usually just want to fix it up again the way it was, and the whole thing repeats. With some clients, I've just given up. I just accept that they think they're better off with paying me to fix up a dying piece of crap hardware which is far more expensive than just buying something new.

Ehm.. but I digress.

Yes! Death to storeworkers! I mean.. erm..

DHL is a courier and they have this really great system - whenever a new employee joins, they make him/her go through all the various levels in the company. They let him work at the office for a week or so, to see how phonecalls are handled and how problems are handled and solved and how the position he is about to fill in the company fits into the whole organizational structure. Then they put him in the loading area where they load and unload the trucks so he gets to see how that happens and how the truckdrivers arrange things in the trucks.. and then finally they make him tag along with one of their drivers to see how interaction with customers works. Only after a similar trajectory of getting to know the company do they get to their final position in the company. The order of where the person goes may not be accurate but the idea is - they go through all different layers in the company so they get a feel of how the organization works. So if a client has a question, he knows where to direct it or whether he's responsible to answer it himself.

I like that. More companies should do that. And they should also allow storeworkers to inspect new products themselves, if even cursory, just to get an idea of what the heck is in the box.


29 august 2008, 04:30:33



I just want to menti - Josh - 19/12/2014, 10:30:36terminator
Aww how lucky you ar - Neema - 16/12/2014, 19:59:10terminator


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