....he was refering with his scientific objections to an "old earth" to its age, so to speak, compared to how old the universe is believed to be?
And I'm not really sure what to think of "inteligent design" right now. Although, actually I might have, but not right now....mmmm sleep....goooood. :-P
I'm not really sure what they mean with "gaps" in the evolution theory. It's as if they're looking at the species that lead to modern day mankind, see a huge difference from species b that came somehow from species a, and think "yes, well....there's no way that can happen naturally, so it *must* be from a divine super powah being".
I'm not an expert, at all, on religion and evolution stuff and all that....
but to me, evolution isn't about changes happening "overnight" and in a straight line. Okay, maybe if you have a look at time frames of millions of years, some changes might seem sudden, but they're still often taking many years. (whatever power of 10 that is....ten thousand, hundred...)
Also, from my view, inteligent design (nor religion, though I'm only expressing my own view here and hope I don't offend anyone who thinks differently) can not explain animal extinctions. It's been a while since I read the linked article, but if I'm not mistaken, one argument was made that if all this designing was truly done so, having species die out was "pretty stupid".
Species come and go, because some are better suited for their situation than others are. But then the situation, for example the climate, changes and again some can deal with it better than others. It's just what Mother Nature throws at you, I guess.
OMGWTFEvolutionisticDesign? Leander, are you saying it's all designed after all? *gasp*
Yes, we were all created from the Big Duck who was just passing by when he farted when he forgot to carry the FOUR while calculating the differences in cruising speeds of the African and European swallows while they're fully laden with coconuts.
Yes, sleep good, mummy! :-P
*Ramses tears down one bit of his mummy cloth to use as improvised toilet paper at this time of night, then tugs his nefertiti doll in her little piramid bed, and goes back to sleep in his campus dorm thingie on Osiris University.*
Quack! :-P
There are FOUR brain cells!
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 28 september 2005, 18:28:15