Did you know Amway corporation or btteer know as quixtar.com the online retailer is a scam?It is a pyramid scheme under another one. Dont get me wrong they still pay you the bonus check which isn't so great. The most you get is $20, 000 when you become a platnium. The thing is that these people dont want to tell you that your upline is going to use you and you will harldy ever see that 20k. The funny thing is that the 20k takes longer then the 2 years they promised you'll get. Also the real reason why amway or its sister(wussy) quixtar.com have such a increase of economic growth is because of the IBO(independent business owners or btteer know as customers). Quixtar wont pay you unless you do your work and know what its just a lie. You do the work and the guy up aheads benefit even more thats why the top is getting richer and the bottom are left in a pyramid scheme. Oh sure they say its not a scheme but untill you reach that platniumship you'll stay apart of a rich guy team. Why I say this is because platniumship is hard to get and most people dont have the ambious to go out there you know thats why some of us are online writing these blogs. So here I go dont waste your time with them its just another pyramid scheme, just a well developed verision of it.lol My name is Mr. Knowledgeable and have a good night. F.e.d this weekend October 9,10,11, this is to the people who know what am talking about This is not a fact but just my first admendment of free speech and am just using it so dont sue me.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 19 december 2014, 02:08:54