, " ... the only thing that will save the earth is to lower the population grwoth ... the rest does nothing but reduce pollution.". He wouldn't sign, because it wouldn't help.I remember the whole population argument (as well as the pollution argument) from before most of you were born, but it didn't stop me from having 3 kids; didn't stop Greenpa, either. Reproduction is so primal that it's hard to stop. We want to say (and DO say) "It's THOSE people who should stop reproducing, not those of us who raise responsible caretakers of the earth. But, it doesn't wash; responsible stewards of the earth or NOT, the main problem is simply too many people.All that said, I still think it's important (and maybe even in our nature for the most) to do the best we can with what we've got and enjoy the little successes achieved from that. To do anything less is to suggest that because our house will just get dusty again next week we don't need to bother dusting it this week, or that because our teeth will just get dirty when we eat again there's no need to bother brushing/flossing after this meal. I'm not a doomer, and some doomers consider me a pollyanna, as I didn't worry about Y2k, bird flu, peak oil, and some of the other things that some of y'all worry about. I don't particularly care whether humans survive indefinitely. Nature finds a way to restore herself to stasis and if man is just another failed species, we go the way of the dinosaurs.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 18 december 2014, 08:53:08