Rather than looking at the unuieqness of a human, think of the diversity of life upon this planet from bacteria to plants and animals. The great abundance of life here may hint at the diversity of life throughout our galaxy and beyond. Also worth noting is the concept of human intelligence as a superior perception or way of being. We have incredible technology and reasoning tools, but these things may also lead to our demise. Other creatures on this planet may not have the same tools as we do, but in exchange for this they have greater resilience to changes and disruptions. Take for instance the humble ant which is widely adapted and has even been proven to use tools and engage in a form of agriculture and husbandry. The exent of the collective intelligence of these creatures may likely remain a mystery because our failure to revere their unique intelligence as something other than novel. In short our very idea of intelligence may be flawed. There are likely tens of billions of planets in this galaxy alone, the conditions that make life possible here may not be all that unique after all. Within the next 20 years we will be able to detect life through spectroscopy, the nature of that live may take much longer to discern. I'm a firm believer of the zoo hypothesis that states that not only does intelligent life exists, there is intelligence vastly superior to our own which prohibits interacting with beings on other planets until they have reached a similar level of intelligence and development (peace, habitat preservation, respect for all life, etc.) and the ability to make contact with similarly developed life.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 17 december 2014, 08:28:35