I always seem to get stuck here, no matter how tired I am, up awake at night... I should have been in bed hours ago, and I was rightfully exhausted. I didn't fall asleep until 6:30am.. and it was a fitful sleep at that until I got up at 11... So I should have been dead tired...
But here I am... awake... when I need to be up in 6 hours.. *sigh* I really should stop doing this to myself, but everyone around me likes to go to bed early... and so I am the only one up this late... It can be peaceful, but sometimes it gets extremely lonely...
And, in worse news, I'm still on this awful schedule, and I have class on Monday at 11am... That means I need to be up by 9:30! EEEP!
Still looking forward to school... just not to having to be up that early. teehee! *wink*
And I think that's about it... cheerio!