I found the section on major drsiespeon interesting. Major drsiespeon occurs at any age and if untreated can result in suicide. At least once depressive episode affects 80% of the U.S. population annually. Women are diagnosed twice as often than men. A major depressive disorder consists of at least one episode of serious mood drsiespeon accompanied by a number of changes in behavior. Complaints frequently include loss of interest, pleasure and withdrawals from activities. Felling of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety and shame are reported because individuals with major drsiespeon view their illness as a moral deficiency. Physical symptoms that suggest emotional distress include unexplained weight loss or gain, disturbed sleep, decreased energy, poor eye contact, monosyllabic speech and indifference to pleasure or joy. Heredity is currently the most important predisposing factor for major drsiespeon. The neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinphrine and dopamine are widely distributed in the central nervous system and are implicated in regulation of mood, arousal, movement and sleep. Medications that increase these chemicals are effective in reducing the symptoms of drsiespeon.Anxiety disorders include a number of disorders which there primary feature is abnormal or inappropriate anxiety that interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders affect adults and children. Risk for phobias is greater in relatives of individuals with both drsiespeon and panic disorders. Head injuries an over active thyroid gland, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, altered regulation of neurotransmitters and certain medications may cause anxiety disorders or having a family member that suffers from it. The different types of anxiety disorders are panic, generalized, phobic, social, obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anti anxiety medications that increase the effect of neurotransmitter gamma aminobutryic acid have a calming effect and work quickly but these medications have the potential for addiction. After reading this section it made me stop and think about different situations that we are put in and how do we react to them. I think we all have some degree of anxiety from giving a big presentation, starting a new job or having a slight phobia.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 12:38:50