TJ is not a typical 36 week preemie twin. Most need NICU time. Most have difficulties latching for breastfeeding. Most have little motor control. Most have breathing issues. Levi is a "typical" 36 week preemie twin in MANY ways, though not all. His leg strength is beyond his age, as is his comprehension. He's super intelligent, and the other day we put both boys down for "Tummy Time". Before we could even show them what to do (learning to crawl), they started kicking their legs and tugging on their mats, and Levi moved himself in a semi-circle in less than 60 seconds.
Levi only relearned latching the day before he came home from the hospital, two weeks ago. He's now nursing 20 minutes straight, on par with his "more developed" brother. They're both gaining weight beautifully, and spending more time awake every day.
Preemie babies here are evaluated by "gestational age," so they are expected to be behind in everything, but both can already roll from their backs to their sides (a skill that doesn't usually develop until three months) and TJ could control his neck at two weeks old, which doesn't usually happen until a baby is one month old. They're not behind at all, though Levi is "on track" in some ways, but quickly catching up.
I love them so much. Only four more weeks home with them, unless I can take some unpaid leave. Crunching the numbers to see what is possible. God's got it.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 06 october 2014, 02:42:54