And that's where the story sorta begins. Monday I woke up in some pain and went to work thinking it was just from sleeping funny. However, as the day wore on I felt worse, and by 1pm I drove myself home and crawled in bed. I took the equivalency of 12 ibuprofen with lunch, then hunkered down in bed. By the time my husband got home at 10pm I was in agony. We decided if I still felt awful Tuesday morning, he'd take me to the doctor.
I didn't really make it to morning. For three hours (midnight-3am) I tossed and turned, the pain radiating from my tailbone up through my lower back. I was in tears, crying out with the slightest movement, even my breathing. So, we went to the ER. Within an hour I was through (VERY efficient) with a tentative diagnosis (which turned out to be right - more on that in a moment) and two kinds of antibiotics and some strong pain meds.
Tuesday and Wednesday I could barely move. I was in bed 24/7, only up to use the restroom, and that was VERY difficult to do. However, by last night I could lay on my side without pain. Still couldn't lay on my back, but my stomach I could. All that was new.
So, today I went to my GP for the followup to see if the initial diagnosis was correct. Yup. I have an absess, something men typically get more often than women. Worse than that, my doctor said, "I'm really worried for you" after seeing the size of it.
So, tomorrow at 10AM I see a surgeon. I've missed almost an entire week of work and used up ALL my saved sick time, though my boss is sympathetic, and tmra I find out if they're operating... They likely are.
So, my Mum and God-sister came over tonight to clean the house so I won't get an infection from having the open wound... See, they lance it, then leave it open for several days while I lay face-down 24/7 and have to have help changing out the bandage... I'm not looking forward to this.
So, if you can send happy thoughts and prayers my way, I'd sincerely appreciate it.... Thanks.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 08 october 2010, 10:28:28