It's something which bothers me too, though I had not previously put my finger on exactly what was wrong. I always get excited when I see a film which has colourgraded to a more interesting palette. One film we actually did this in camera - instead of whitebalancing every shot to a piece of white card, we did it to dark green. So the camera 'corrected' everything on that assumption, leaving us with gloriously prominent reds (which we then scattered with significance throughout the film). Greens looked good too as I recall (the other colour we used liberally). The only real problem was a tendency for the sky to go purplish, but I think that was possibly corrected in the edit. (I was just a first year helping with a graduate film, so I wasn't involved in post-production.)
Heh, captcha is MYMSM. My Micro$oft Messenger. I'm fairly certain that used to be part of their website before Live subsumed everything.