Stop looking at me like that; I know I amaze you constantly! Here's the deal: there was a vendor set up in a food court I regularly attended that was selling replica swords, both historical and mythological. And these things don't come cheap, either! $500 USD to make + $100 for shipping (€448 total). I had decided upon the Knights Templar sword, both for its historical representation and decoration. See here:
As you can see, the manufacturer is called Family Roots, a company based in Ireland. And what a company it is! With every payment I make, they send me a letter called a receipt/statement, noting how much I've paid and how much I have to go. Every receipt/statement I've received from them have had errors on them. I either haven't paid all that I really have or I paid more than I really have! And I'm always sending them e-mails when I get my receipt/statement pointing out their errors (and sending them a copy of the payment log I've been keeping--oh yes! I'm smarter than you think I am!), trying in vain to help them straiten themselves out. Plus, there's a $3 service charge for all of my payments, though my receipt/statement only says $2 and the contract I signed doesn't even mention it at all! And to top it all off, the sword I'm paying for won't even be made until after I've paid it off and it'll take about 6 weeks from make to delivery. I'd swear these guys were scam artists if it weren't for the fact that the navy allowed them to operate on one of its bases, they've responded to all of my e-mails, and the receipt/statements have been adjusted to account for all the errors.
This had better be the best f%$^&*ing sword in the world!