Now answer your own questions, Nemi. ;-)
Very well! :P
5 years ago, I expected I would somehow muddle through my biology studies and take some needed supplemental courses before continuing on to university to eventually become a veterinarian. Then I found Sev and started spending less and less time devoted to homework.... or classes.... I realised that the only part of that edumacational branch that really interested me was ethology, and I wasn't doing nearly well enough in that class to get into a psychiatry direction (yes, there are psychologists for dogs and cats and some sort of health therapy thing for horses). I had no idea what I wanted to do instead, up until....
1 year ago, I decided to resume studies at last, and started looking for courses in computer programming, database maintenance, webdesign and development. I thought I'd be done in less than 6 months, but I've had some bad luck with the regional requirements (you have to live in the same county as where the school is, even though it's long-distance) but I'm hoping that....
1 year from now, I want to have finished most of the programming classes and learned enough to find a nice part-time job in IT, and maybe do a bit of webdesign on the side whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'll probably get lots of toys, gadgets and other junk as soon as I have any bit of money at all, but the master plan is to save as much of it as possible for....
5 years from now I want to spend all those savings on travels all over the world! I want to at least visit Australia, India, Japan, Tibet, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, Brazil and maybe even North America (California, of course) before I get serious about anything else in my life....
Until then I'm, like you, feeling mostly content. Nearly all of my needs are met (the ones I know that I have), I have a wonderful boyfriend (although there's a sea or two between us) and my pets and computers are under my watchful eyes (it's not easy to leave them while travelling, but since I can't go anywhere that often due to lack of money, I stay at my destination for a pretty long time since it's the actual getting there and going back that costs the most).
The only thing I don't have and desperately want is some local swedish friends.... *lonely sigh* :(
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 07 july 2006, 21:55:21