Say what you will about me, my positions, and/or my views. While it is true that my blog is set to "private" (by intive only), it is more than a bit disingenuous to infer that it is "closed". If you, or anyone, has any desire whatsoever to check it out, it wouldn't take anything more than merely dropping me an email. To infer that I am not a proponent of Free Speech merely because I don't provide people with a readily open forum to have their say is quite absurd not to mention extremely inaccurate. It is hardly different than Comment Moderation.You're partly right with respect to my discontent. However, I am hopeful which is why, as Kris mentioned, I decided to Actively get involved at the local level. I take great joy in that. I sleep quite well knowing that I gained a significant amount of press coverage for my State Representative hopeful in any given week, doing literature drops on his behalf, spending three hours phone banking, etc.We do this towards the pursuit of our own end.Angry? Hardly. Just more than a bit put off and disinterested by party loyalists who've forgotten that the party serves as a conduit to a message; a cause. I have no time or interest for someone that tells me I need to "suck it up" and essentially tow the party line. And, it pains me to see these same party loyalists within our ranks think it perfectly acceptible to chastise Democrats for redistributing wealth, raising taxes, spending like mad, and engaging in immoral behavior at the same excusing the same conduct within their own party. These sorts of Republican politicians and their supporters have done great damage to the brand. They make it increasingly difficult for those of us who find fault with them, to commandeer our own course under the party's banner.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 20 december 2014, 16:49:30