Its really plostiens to post here because both Secretary Shinesky and COS John Gingrich are indifferent to outside opinion. They do not respond back to request, make empty promises, and so far are giving the illusion of progress when in fact things are going backwards.I was on the VA Advisory Committee for Gulf War Veterans . It was mishandled, wrapped too early, and produced a really lame report that I contested. I asked Gingrich himself at our last meeting if he could keep me part of the process after our committee disbanded. Since then I have been black balled by him and his staff. So now I have to go through Congress to get through to VA since it doesnt seem to want to talk directly with Gulf War vets like me anymore. That includes the non-responsive Col Jeff Peters who doesnt return calls.The only way to make progress here is to make things law through Congress because these VA folks are not objective or listening. I should know having dominated the GWVITF commentary website that VA ignored in there final report. Not to mention that they ignored a official letter from the Chairman of House Appropriations considering the conduct of the GWVITF.Posting here is a waste of time. You all should be contacting the VA House subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation demanding a follow up to last years GW hearing ( which by the way I provided testimony ). Dont waste time posting to blogs that no one reads. This is just lip service and empty promises. As long as the UDX service connection governs GW claims they will continue to fail, or have vets labeled as personality disorders.If you want to stay in the dark, your in the right place. If you want progress and answers then things need to go a different route. Stop letting VA dictate to us through there invisible secret internal task force that doesnt even have a website of its own. Then slam the RAC with R&D telling them what the research will be sans the steering committee.Who cares about 20 year old treacle, where can we go today and give our lives meaning again ( real medical relief ). I damn sure havent found it with VA. Then again, VA has made it pretty clear to me it could care less.Folks, go talk to Congress and lets change these messed up GW laws. Make it mandatory for VA to deal with rather than let them just find new ways to reshuffle the deck back to somatic illness. Sincerely Kirt P. Love
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 20 december 2014, 05:37:38