Cap't,If the family in Hull vote then they don't dvseree any sympathy. If they don't then it's disgusting. The system was created by the rich to keep them getting richer at the expense of the poor who are getting poorer. The police are the protectors of the elite and not the public. Until people realise this nothing will change.As for guns, well, if I want to walk down the high street with a rifle no one has the right to tell me otherwise. That's liberty, after all the government allows the police too and their private bodyguards and what makes them different to us? The elites created 9/11 (amongst many others) to take them into a war in the middle east. I think we, the people need the same to take back our freedoms. We should grab all politicians from their cabinets, forget about a court trial and hang them high in their respective home cities/villages and leave there to rot and become carrion food. As for the Queen and her "the hills have eyes", inbred family, take away everything they have and leave them to be wretched homeless, to fend for themselves on the city streets. And the lords and ladies? The same. Taking away the wealthy's money is the worst punishment they could ever have.Fuck the aristocracy, politics and the filth.regardsHarbinger
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 20 december 2014, 04:54:31