Sigh you make some good points. I think your post faliry sets out the issues the business owners may have with customers using social media.The other side to it is the issues that customers might have. I think that people use social media to complain about businesses because the business has not addressed their concerns as a customer. They are frustrated.In my experience, phone calls and in-person visits are made, and emails are sent and they are ignored. The business has my money. They don't care if the product they sold me doesn't work or was misrepresented. I think it all comes down to customer service and whether or not the business is responsive to customer feedback. There are wackos out there who are consumers and who are crazy, but I would say that's a relatively small amount of people. These people are usually ignored. But a legitimate complaint that is properly worded and sent out through social media as a last resort isn't necessarily a bad thing.As a consumer, I appreciate hearing from a reasonable person who has an issue with a business. It's a good heads up. I work too hard to risk my money and time dealing with a business who doesn't care about customer feedback or my business.As always, I enjoyed your post!Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth Lynn
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 20 december 2014, 03:40:27