I had an intestinal ileontrance to wheat but never tested positive for celiac in two or more endoscopies. I wish I had taken his advice earlier. I read your book a couple of weeks ago, but even before that, I knew I had to give up gluten. I had managed to do it for almost a couple of months a no. yrs. ago and felt great; then slipped back into consuming some gluten and too much of other grains. I need to lose about 250-30 lb.After a week and a half of no gluten and reduced grains, I'm feeling better overall, sleeping better, and having less issue with constipation and hypoglycemic attacks in the morning which I had on occasion a few hours from eating a carb-rich breakfast (I am not diabetic). I have lost about 3 lb.One concern is handling temptation outside my house. I know I will cheat occasionally on a very small scale (for example tonight at a party!), but I am confident that I can get back on track quickly. I found dropping the wheat easy I went cold turkey and had no withdrawal symptoms.Another concern is how to handle another routine endoscopy I'm supposed to have next year for GERD. My gastroenterologist always checks for celiac as part of that. I know you have to eat quite a bit of gluten to get a correct reaction to the small intestinal biopsy. I don't want to do that. I guess I need to discuss this issue with him.Thanks for an excellent, well written, inspiring book!Mel
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 19 december 2014, 22:00:25