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'Well, you did the other ones.' posted by Corsair - 27/11/2005, 17:38:26
'Dagnabit!' posted by Corsair - 27/11/2005, 17:40:35
'Not that surprising, considering the choices...' posted by ThunderDragon - 28/11/2005, 09:59:36


used to baffle me...
used to baffle me..."It still does! More so that I'm far more clued up than I was, even thoguh then I always knew something wasn't right.Politicians are great at talking about change, yet the change they tell us that's for the good we know will be the "" to our lives.The only change for the good we can ever have in life is by ourselves. As I grow older, I'm beginning to understand the bible far more. What if the book is merely a book of symbols and the devil is merely the characterisation of evil? It is becoming more and more apparent that the offering of society of gifts is just what the devil offered to Jesus. Yet he of course refrained. Having read the protocols again of late and reading Henry Makow's latest article I saw the following (in a link):"their youth has grown stupid on classicism" from the first protocol. And we know (as a responder stated) about classism:"Classism, as in placing emphasis on social status, that makes sense. And what is today's classism based on? Fame, power, money, and sex."It is the likes of you and I who have got off the train. We no longer choose to travel, wedged, restricted between the rails to the ultimate destination. This train of course, full of today's people promises to take them to Utopia, when in all reality it's taking us to the Abyss that Marx fell into and whose plans were to pull everyone else in with him.I can tell you, it's a hard life being different. Yet it's what I've always been. No longer part of society. Unable to communicate with people around me as I continue to think, in conversation with them when they're on about some mindless subject, "do you actually have a clue what's going on outside your own f*cking reality!"Sure, people will probably classify me as arrogant when I see myself merely as a realist, who likes to remove the facades people don't or refuse to. Sure they will call me a pessimist but that's what a realist is in the eyes of the optimist.The only real saviour for us all is a complete destruction of the system. People simply do not realise that it's corrupt to the core and has to be removed completely. Like the weed that grows wild, leaving any part within and it will regrow, this is why I look at people who look for a democratic and peaceful approach to taking back society using the system that's been abusing it since day one. All I can really say is these people I compare to Boromir of Gondor who wanted to take the ring back to Minas Tirith. The ring (system) is too evil and no matter how you try to use it for good it will never be. Lord of the Rings is a deep book and Tolkien spoke of far more than people realise.Smash the system. Destroy government and bureaucratic control of people's lives. Take your lives back from the people who took them from you without your consent. Pick up your swords and put down your ploughshares. If they can send troops legally to murder Afghans and Iraqis abroad, then we can dam well arm ourselves and defend ourselves from these evil people who sanctioned it.Changing society starts with changing yourself. Glued to the TV and immersed within the media that change will never happen.


19 december 2014, 17:56:43



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