Group Members: Jessica White, Steve Deltuva, Alice Watkins, and Linda RushLike just about everyone else our group eniamxed Overlapping Circles first. We came to the conclusion that this piece of artwork is point group 5m. The semicircle and flower images are rotated 5 times with 72 degree rotation. Also five lines of symmetry are present. Perfect symmetry is achieved across these lines. We also noticed that some of the circle images seem closer to the viewer than others. Mainly the small circles that overlap producing a bright light. One interesting thing we noticed was that there are no complete circles, they all overlap and we assume they are completed.Spiral Squares is next on our list. We observed plane group 4 at work in this piece. The vertical and horizontal translation is pretty obvious due to the well defined squares. Each of those squares is rotated and dilated (shrunk) and then rotated and dilated (shrunk) again, resulting in a pattern that looks like stairs. This continues converging on the little red dot in the middle. So we can say this little red dot is a point of origin because we can say that the squares are emerging from this point. It's also an optical illusion because it looks as if the squares come out and go into the red dot.Five left tetrahedral cosets is up next. We saw point group 3m in this piece. It's rather difficult to see but if you ignore just look at the shapes formed you will see the reflection of the fundamental unit. Each fundamental unit is also rotated 120 degrees as well. We found it intriguing how each circle is inside of another circle. This dilation yet again creates perspective. The image in the center are smaller and progressively get bigger and bigger or vice versa. Depending on how you look at it, it's either receding into the paper or coming up and out of it.Ellipse Lace was a weird design. It doesn't actually contain any circles but from the inter working of the image a circles are produced throughout. Unlike most of the pieces we have observed, Ellipse Lace has 40 fundamental units rotated 9 degrees each. The image looks 3D with the because of the overlapping lines present in each circle. Like most of the pieces we covered this one also is an optical illusion. It can be seen as going into the paper or coming out of it.Monge's Theorem creates perspective with the the yellow ribbons getting smaller in the top right corner. The dilation of the circles also adds to this depth. The circle closest to the top right is the smallest on on the page. This is one of the few images that doesn't have any symmetry what so ever but it the picture still has a balance to it. The smaller triangles at the top of the picture are tangent to the larger triangles at the bottom.Ulfah was the last piece we eniamxed. There are numerous different objects that make up the whole image. Every circle is formed from a combination of these images. There are no actual circles in this piece. Point group 6mm can be observed in equilateral triangles. To view these imagine a line coming straight out from each vertex and meeting at the middle. There are six lines of symmetry (each one of those aforementioned imaginary lines). Also each triangle is rotated 60 degrees.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 19 december 2014, 05:51:48