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'Correct English link,' posted by DoggySpew - 10/01/2006, 14:28:33
'Re: Correct English link,' posted by The Red i - 11/01/2006, 00:13:32
'Well...' posted by Admiral Memo - 16/01/2006, 04:12:05


BIMWrong you are con
BIMWrong you are confusing pldpohiees with a ephebophiles. There is a big difference.The age range fits. The targeted victims in these disappearances and suspicious deaths is 18 to 24. One victim is outside the age range at 28.These victims are athletic, in their prime and while, not necessarily male model types, this particular unknown subject who is preying on the victims, no women victims, is in the process of collecting these men albeit not for long. The victimology, as set by Detectives Gannon and Duarte, suggests that these victims are held for a period elsewhere, killed at that location, taken to a body of water and dumped, in part to through off the cause of death, the time of death, DNA/forensic details. Gannon and Duarte go on to add that some of these victims give evidence of having been tortured--neither man has ever elaborated on the nature of that torture.You sir have a misunderstanding of the nature of what an ephebophobe is. Those men are attracted young males, that does not mean that they are in the business of assaulting their victims. In some cases the unknown subject wants possession and control of the victim, that possession and control is sufficient to satisfy whatever reason the victim is victimized.And that gets us to a well known fact since you brought it up. Child molesters are heterosexual men who prey on children. Those child victims are anywhere from 3 up to 12. There are a few who fall outside of that range going for younger and some older; however, child molesters by definition prefer prepubescent victims. Ephebophobes prefer pubescent and post pubescent ones. Don't ever confuse the two. The worst of the latter lot are collectors. They hold their victims for a period of time. Most do not kill. The ones that do have already selected a new victim while still holding the present one.Wikipedia may be a wonderful general online resource of general knowledge but is hardly definitive or consistent since readers can add to the information on any article, true it is arbritated, but that arbritation is only as good as the knowledge of the editor/monitor.Until you actually come up with some better theory, this is but one possibility. There is no proof of a gang roving and kidnapping a group of like victims. Nor is there a phenomenon that causes college age men to attend parties or a bar with friends, on mostly winter nights, leave the bar and decide to walk on water or commit suicide. At best, this is the work of one or two individuals. There is some kind of attraction or reason for targeting college age men, mostly described as fit, and generally, good students. That sir is the victimology. It suggests that the unknown subject has a morbid attraction for the college age, fit, male victims. A roving group would be easy to spot and gets sloppy, etc. We all await your theory BIM.


19 december 2014, 04:45:34



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