Anonymous, I agree that United we must stand and frankly, I found more eecivnde of complicity and fraud going on with the JP Morgan group paying the white shirted police officers and that is why they had the pavement marked and told the crowd to come up on the bridge.I idea is to get us to be violent because they DESPERATELY NEED MARTIAL LAW BECAUSE RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK, WE ARE THE MOST HEAVILY ARMED NATION ON THE PLANET FOR ITS CITIZENS. This would be a war of civilians against other countries militaries who do not know our terrain, our people, our culture or supply lines. So the foreign troops are at a massive distinct disadvantage. I don't think they want to be here but will do their duty while we have passion and anger on our side. That wins wars under horrific disadvantages.... when its over the Khazars will do as they did in WW II, they will sacrifice the "GOYIM" who cooperated with them to the death sentences they will all get. So if I were a goyim soldier, I would turn and stand with the people. That is the smart thing to do otherwise, you will face a death penalty as a sacrificial lamb, just like the Goyim soldiers in Germany did.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 19 december 2014, 04:00:09