"Hi Soapbox,So you're supporting a Republican who is ruinnng for Congress. That's cool, yet what I'm having trouble understanding is why you are having so much trouble voting Republican in relation to the Presidency."To me, it's not so much that I'm supporting a Republican than I am supporting a Conservative. My reservations with respect to the Presidential race are predicated on the fact that, while Sarah Palin is indeed very Conservative, McCain himself is not. There is indeed great potential for Sarah Palin. However, here chances for success will hinder greatly upon what sorts of offices and tasks are delegated to her by McCain. And, as is McCain's style (moderation) she will no doubt be, at times, at the mercy of that. Make no mistake about it, while she may be able exert some amount of influence upon McCain, McCain is an old dude. There's no question he is quite set in his ways. "If it is for the sake of making a Conservative Statement, well, the way I see it, the Conservatives have been making a statement and it has been loud enough to effect McCain's decision of who to pick of VP Running Mate. The Statement has already been made and received, so what continues to be the problem?" First and foremost, we seem to have a bit of a disagreement about McCain's reasons for selecting Palin. While I'm not denying that Republican voter's want for a return to traditional conservative principles may have played a role, I don't find that role to be the overwhelming factor. But, in addressing the heart of your question, the "problem" lies in where McCain will stand on the issues. Historically, his position on a great many issues (Climate Change, Regulatory Tax Increases, Campaign Finance and the First Amendment, Immigration) has not fallen on the side of which I'd hoped a Republican to have taken. "The chastising comment was directed at those who might encourage me not to interact with you. It was not directed at you.Good deal."There isn't any way to change who McCain is."This is fundamentaly what my point is. Sarah Palin is not John McCain. But, in as much as she is her own woman, she is still serving at the behest of McCain. If she wishes to make a political career for herself, she's going to have to continually weigh her willingness to sacrifice her principle for political expediency which, as most VP's do, will likely occur. "All we can do is try and influence at least some of his decisions and Sarah Palin is going to be a continuous thorn in his side in relation to Conservative Values. Praise God!!"We can certainly hope that she will prod McCain to the right. But, as I asserted earlier, McCain is first and foremost his own man. Additionally, this is a HUGE leap for Palin. In much the same way you would be hesitant to take great pains in challenging your employer following a big promotion, it is logical to presume that Palin will, to a significant degree, do the same. She does not have a history of working with McCain. It will indeed take some time to become accustomed to his working style."As long as the Republican Party as a whole realizes that the Conservative wing of their party exists and should not be ignored, this satisfies me."For me, I might be willing to concede your point had their apparent "recognition" not come in an election year. In much the same fashion as a husband who neglects his wife 364 days out of the year only to appease her with flowers on Valentines Day, it does not sit well with me that the Republican party has done much the same thing. This is why I have been so stern in coming around the bend yet again. It is not logical that one can continue engaging in the same behavior or action and, at the same time, expect a completely different result. In the past, the action has been to "hold our nose" or "suck it up" all the while being led to believe that the candidate being paraded around in front of us is "the real deal", "true blue conservative" only coming to find that couldn't be further from the truth."Making a statement by voting for a Third Party Candidate can not accomplish any more than this either."That is where we disagree. At the end of the day, they are politicians. And, by and large they want nothing more than to maintain their grip on political power. If, by not voting for them, they face the prospect that their days in public office are numbered, they will come around the bend if they want to stay in the public sector.But, by "holding your nose" everytime, the RINOs will never change their behavior so long as they can get you to see their opponent and their opponent's policies as FAR worse than their own. And, at present, this tactic has worked tremendously well.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 17 december 2014, 10:44:36