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'I love my birthday. :P' posted by Muffy - 08/05/2010, 13:36:02
'Happy Berfday!!' posted by littlestar - 08/05/2010, 21:23:51
'Hello Luca! Thanks for being such an inspiration to all of us laanguge learners....' posted by Urazbike - 05/03/2013, 13:22:51


1016I've been studyi
1016I've been studying Japanese for about 2 years, since June 2010. My leinrang has been very erratic in both method and commitment, and there have been long periods, sometimes whole months, in which I didn't study at all or only made token efforts like reading a single sentence, but as my level increased and I discovered on study methods that suit me, it became more consistent. Basically I just read/listen and look up words without SRSing them, but I've done other things as well.Months 1-2: After giving up on a couple of textbooks I started working my way through Tae Kim's grammar guide while reading Breaking in to Japanese Literature (BJL), and felt quite pleased with my progress, but when I finished BJL I decided to focus on vocab and kanji. Months 2-18: In the next year+ I did most of RTK and some of iKnow's Core6000 (1 or 2 thousand). I quit RTK because I felt I'd got what I needed from it, and wanted to focus on vocabulary, but I didn't feel like my vocabulary study was going well. I couldn't recognise words outside the SRS and seemed to be making no progress in Japanese. I attributed this change of pace to the fact that I knew more (making small improvements less obvious), and not to the fact that I hardly read anymore. Towards the end of December 2011 I grew nostalgic for the time when I was reading BJL and seemed to be making loads of progress, and decided to try focusing on reading as a study method. In the year since finishing BJL I'd read less than half of e382ade3838ee381aee69785 efbc91 and a single manga volume, as well the occasional bit of Japanese I stumbled across, but I spent almost all day every day reading for a week until I finished e382bce383ade381aee4bdbfe38184e9ad94efbc91. At first I was looking up almost every word, to the extent that when I did recognise one I would actually stop and congratulate myself, but by the end of the book it was noticeably easier. I felt I'd made as much progress in that week as I had in all the rest of my Japanese study, and decided to focus on reading from then on.Months 19-25: After that I focused on reading (though not so intensely) and decided to stop using anki as it didn't seem to help and took time away from reading. I often crave the feeling of quantifiable progress that anki gives, so I went back to it a couple of times, but I still feel that it doesn't help. I also tried to watch dramas to improve listening, but couldn't find anything I liked and variety shows were too hard, so I didn't do much of that, thought I did find that reading was improving my listening. I feel like apart from RTK, most of what I did before this was almost negligible.Right now: A few days ago I discovered I could (sort of) understand variety shows, so I've been watching loads of them and am pleased to see that my listening seems to be improving well as I learn to apply what I've learned through reading.My writing is still pretty bad and my speaking is even worse.P.s. I confused Ikebukero Westgate Park for Durararara, which is what I've actually been reading.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 1 vote)


17 december 2014, 05:49:19



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