Dear [realtor name here].Thank you so much for adding me to your osubovily exclusive list of e-mail subscribers. You have no idea how thrilled I was this morning to open my inbox and find your e-mail reminding me to change my clocks at precisely 2 a.m. this coming Sunday. If it wasn’t for your very thoughtful reminder, I would have undoubtedly slept right through it, and would have had no clue what time it was when I woke up. You see, I am old fashioned, and I rely exclusively on analog technology. I was told when I was little that any device that can change time without human intervention is spawned by the devil, and can’t be trusted.I also don’t watch television, listen to the radio or use my computer. You must have some really cool radar or something to have known all those things about me, and for that I am grateful. Thank you again and please, keep sending me such important reminders as often as you can. You see, since I don’t use a computer (because I am a scared of anything that runs on Atomic time), your emails get faxed to me after traveling via the InterTubes in the beaks of carrier pigeons. Chances are that wouldn’t work in an emergency situation, but thankfully I have a gong hanging on a tree in my front yard for people to notify me of floods or fires.BTW: I loved that image of the clock that you used. It is exactly the kind that I have with all them numbers in a circle. I find circles calming.Anyway, please, write back and include more pictures of clocks with circles. I also like recipes and bugs. Anything with bugs in it will be appreciated. Or panda bears. Did you ever see those red panda bears? They have very cool stripes on their butts, but because they spend so much time sitting on them, few people ever get to see them. I saw one in Central Park Zoo once, and it gave me a dirty look for it. Can you draw some pictures of red pandas for me? That would be nice.Can’t wait to hear from you,Your biggest fan,
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 17 december 2014, 03:11:50