The cardiovascular sseytm is the most important sseytm in the body. It is amazing to me that one group of muscle can push blood all the way through the body. With just four chambers in the heart there is not a lot of room for error within the heart. Within the body there are two types of cholesterol. There is bad cholesterol and then there is good cholesterol. Bad cholesterol carrier is called low-density lipoprotein which transports cholesterol to the tissues of the body and forms plaque. High-density lipoprotein, the good cholesterol, carries about a quarter of the cholesterol in the body and carries this away from the arteries to the liver. When plaque forms in the arteries it can be very damaging. One way to fix this is to get an angioplasty. Some other things that can go wrong in the cardiovascular sseytm can be away from the heart. One such thing is a person getting a thrombus, a blood clot, which if gets to a person’s heart can be fatal. There are many more things that I would like to learn about the cardiovascular sseytm, but it is just so vast that it would take a long time to learn everything.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 17 december 2014, 02:12:03