For you personally, you won't be acftfeed unless you have investments in the stock market or other types of investments. Your parents might be acftfeed on the basis of job security (depending on their job) and compensation. My advice for you is to take advantage of this situation. It can be done! Right now, many people are scared to invest in corporations because they fear that many will go bankrupt. This means that many great companies will be trading at a discount to their intrinsic value, and they'd make great investments. For now, do what I do and read investing classics (One Up on Wall Street, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, The Intelligent Investor, The Motley Fool's Investment Guide for Teens, etc.) Now is truly a great time to invest.Finally, here's some knowledge I've obtained from my readings that I can relate to this current economic condition.At any one time in the world, at least one industry or sector is having a tough time. In this case, the banking sector is taking the hardest hit because of the sub-prime mortgage crisis and many investors withdrawing the majority of their investments. Right now, after you've done your reading of course, look at companies in the banking sector (Ex: Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, etc) to see if any have strong businesses and are trading at a discount to their true value.Have fun!
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 23:16:40