Q: For each one, please say whheter you are?very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied.The amount Americans pay in federal taxes? [(asked of those dissatisfied)-Would you like to see the amount Americans pay in federal income taxes increased, decreased, or remain about the same?]Jan 7-10, 2013 Total satisfied 36%; Dissatisfied, want increased 5%; Dissatisfied, want decreased 40%; Dissatisfied, remain same 15%; No opinion 4%Again it would appear that most people want taxes to remain the same or lower. Only 5% want taxes increased, unless you have other data to support your statement.You also typically leave out the other part of the equation, spending cuts. The reality most Americans agree that we need to cut spending.I also that you and the democrats have now taken up the position you once accused Romney of holding. Increasing taxes on the middle class! Why is ok now but 4 months ago? Oh that's right, the election is over so you don't have to lie anymore. And 70% of our GDP comes from consumer spending, not wall st.If you want to talk about inequity then tell me why is fair that I pay over $30k in income taxes alone this year and there are many who will pay $0? Why don't they do their patriotic duty and pay taxes?But I shouldn't say to much, chairman Obama might have me assassinated, apparently he thinks he can do that at will
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 23:09:30