A post from the other side!I bought my first PDA about 2 weeks after I found out you could read books on them.I love e-books. I prfeer them to paper books. I love the way I can change the font (some programs let me change the font type, font size, AND line spacing) on the fly. Now, on days when my eyes are tired, I just make the print bigger. And I can search within a book easily. I don't have to remember if that neat phrase I read was in chapter 2 or chapter 3. And if I want to save that neat phrase, I highlight it and copy, and then paste it into a memo. I love how I can set them to auto-scroll so I can read while I knit or eat or spin. I love that if I wake up at night and can't sleep, I can open up an e-book and not bother my husband by turning on the light. Yeah, e-books are not without problems. DRM on them SUCKS. E-ink books (e.g., the Kindle) can't have a backlight, so no reading in bed with the light off. Not everything is available in ebook format, or isn't available at a reasonable price. For example, it seems ridiculous to me to pay hardback price for an e-book. I have no beef with folks who prfeer p-books. Og knows I've bought/owned enough in my day. But these days I'm an e-book gal, lovin' the technology. I love that I don't have to keep buying bookshelves to hold all my books, or constantly recycle them through the used bookstore system.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 22:45:21