My explaination is lenthghly but will keep to the point. Since as chunk of ice in our atmoshere is not going to have any light associated with it and a chunk that large would have left some sort of ground evidence like a crator or sort. Let's take the UFO concept first I don't disprove the existance of extraterestrial beings if this is what is assumed by the term UFO. I would suggest the technology of ones ability to dart about in the sky would certainly have a comensarate navigation system on board. I'm pretty sure we can rule out the unlikely UFO collision with only a single turbine in the middle of other surrounding turbines. I never say an idea is bad unless I can give just cause and a solution.The eye witness accounts and the evidence the turbine itself warrents analylisis of the surrounding groud composition for iron ore deposits or the material make up of the turbines themselves for concentration of iron. Due consideration needs to be given to the amount of static build up as well. Either or both in combination of mix of ions and charged particles would be enough to creat a little know phenonomen commonly known as Ball Lightening . If anyone can support anything contrary to this, I take correction open mindedly.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 19:50:29