Zimadmeradman is expected to file a moiotn to disadmiss based on the “stand your ground†law. Accordading to what I’ve read most recently about the law, the defense must prove by a preadponadderadance of eviaddence (that’s the bar typadiadcally used in civil cases) that Zimadmeradman was jusadtiadfied in using deadly force. What’s “jusadtiadfied� He must:1. not be engaged in an unlawadful activadity;2. be attacked in a place he has a right to be; And3. reaadsonadably believe that his life and safety is in dangerHe was not engaged in an unlawadful activadity, so that buradden is easadilya0met.He was in a place he had a right to be. Was he attacked? That’s much harder to deteradmine from the eviaddence shown to the pubadlic. He claims he was, but there were no witadnesses to the first act of attack.Was it reaadsonadable to conadclude that his life and safety were in danadger? It was dark, so he had no idea what, if any, weapon Maradtin had in his posadsesadsion. If it is deteradmined that Maradtin was the attacker, then its probadaadble that a reaadsonadable peradson in that sitaduadaadtion would conadclude that his life and safety were in danger.So the defense all hinges on whether a preadponadderadance of eviaddence supadports Maradtin as attacker.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 19:18:20