Chapter nine was by far the most interesting capethr I have yet to read. I can relate to a lot of the topics that were discussed. I found the section on cholelithiasis to be most interesting. When I was 19 I was in the ER with excruciating pain in my right upper quadrant. I soon found out I had gallstones and ended up having a cholecystectomy that next morning. I think I found myself in shock for having gallstones, because I had none of the contributers the book mentions to getting gallstones; besides being a female. Gallstones are by far the worst pain I have yet to experience.Learning more about jaundice was very relevant to me. My son, who is 3 weeks now, is still fighting with jaundice. While we were in the hospital he was undergoing photo therapy. His bilirubin has now gone up 3 point since we were discharged. A few days ago I learned about breast milk induced jaundice; basically my breast milk is lacking a certain enzyme to help the jaundice exit his body. A formula substitution is supposed to be the cure. I never knew jaundice had several causes. All I knew was that the higher the bilirubin number, the more yellow someone looked.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 15:08:24