by both black and white kids.a0 In midaddle school, they asked about datading someadone of a difadferadent race, with simadiadlar “Their/​My mama won’t like it†rpoesnses from the kids, who genaderadally strugadgled to explain why.They also talked to kids about their optiadmism regardading race relaadtions, and they talked with both first-​​graders and middle-​​schoolers.a0 It was depressading, and yet it gave me hope.a0The things the researchers noticed (as reported on CNN):– Minoradity 6-​​yr-​​olds were more optiadmistic about race relaadtions than their white peers.– By middle-​​school, minoriadties lost their optiadmism reladaadtive to whites, and both expressed frusadtraadtion.– White (80%+) schools showed more negadaadtivadity between the races. (More “my mama won’t let me play with them†comadments and less hope.) More ostraadcizading and less interadacadtion.– Majority-​​minority schools and well-​​integrated schools with 30% minoriadties or higher showed much more posadiadtive outadlook and much betadter interadacadtion between the races.a0This makes sense, because familadiaradity helps to break down stereoadtypes.a0 For examadple, teenage black boys aren’t as scary to a white girl who sits in class with a half-​​dozen of them and sees that they’re regaduadlar kids just like her, and vice versa. But it has to be more than just one or two “excepadtions.†Regaduadlar interadacadtion with lots of peoadple who are difadferadent helps to break down walls of fear and blur those genaderadaladizaadtions that we humans tend to make.In other words, I agree with CJ that it’s a shame for inteadgrated schools and schools in poor neighadboradhoods to be finanadcially strugadgling, because those inteadgrated schools are where we can build underadstandading and teach the next genaderadaadtion to replace the baradriaders of prejaduaddice with bonds of friendship.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 15:04:37