WA7th,what makes you think his peradmit might be invalidIn 2005, Zimadmeradman and his ex-​​fiance9e both filed for, and reeecvid, restrainading orders against each other. Florida law proadhibits someadone with a restrainading order against them from havading a conadcealed carry peradmit. But I just looked into the specifics of this case in greater depth. The restrainading orders expired on August 24, 2006, so that wouldn’t have invaladiaddated hisa0CCP.prosadeadcuadtors must prove to estabadlish secadond degree muradder beyond a reaadsonadable doubt:–The vicadtim is deceased,–The victim’s death was caused by the defendant’s crimadiadnal act, and–There was an unlawadful killing of the vicadtim “by an act immiadnently danadgeradous to another and demonadstratading a depraved mind withadout regard for humana0life.â€Well, I doubt they’ll have trouadble provading Maradtin is dead and that he was killed by Zimmerman’s shot to the chest. But about that thirda0part:Three eleadments must be present:–A “peradson of ordiadnary judgadment†would know the act, or series of acts, “is reaadsonadably ceradtain to kill or do seriadous bodadily injury to anotherâ€;–The act is “done from ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intentâ€; and–The act is “of such a nature that the act itself indiadcates an indifadferadence to humana0life.â€The first eleadment is easy. I’d be hard-​​pressed to find a juror who would think that a shot to the chest wouldn’t do “seriadous bodadily injuryâ€. (“It’s just a flesha0wound…â€)Was it done from ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intent? That’s harder to prove. In this paradticaduadlar case, given that they didn’t know each other before 7PM that night, I’d imagadine they’ll either be callading his foladlowading of Maradtin “ill will†(I have no clue how that term is defined), or they’ll be aimading for “hatred†stemadming from racism. If it’s the latadter, that’s going to be a tough case to make, unless they can get a whole parade of witadnesses talkading about his freadquent anti-​​African-​​American rants or something.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 15:03:37