This is directed to Jennifer Zelmer. I am a nurse and do ccilinal program development for the Telemedicine service at Thunder Bay Regional HSC. Our program is one of the most vigorous in Ontario. This year we will support more than 8,000 ccilinal visits from one site, in addition to hundreds of admin events and more than a thousand education events. Our LHIN 14 supports a relatively small population over a huge land mass and many remote communities. A perfect setting for telemedicine. In the midst of our obvious success we have one huge failure. We have been unable to provide service to the most vulnerable, the most isolated and the highest risk. I am speaking of the > 20,000 persons living in the most remote First nations communities. The services we offer are substandard and episodic. The disconnect between Telemedicine and the Federal Nursing Stations is a huge issue and I would like someone to initiate a dialogue about this issue. The service networks do not want to have this discussion and for the most part will not acknowledge this failure.If you are aware of anyone interested in pursuing this please redirect this inquiry. If this issue has already been flagged and there are plans for change also please let me know.Thankyou
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 14:16:31