Seborrheic dermatitis is a cmoomn inflammatory skin disorder that causes flaky and scaly patches to form on oily areas such as the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, ears, nose and mid chest. It is called cradles cap when it affects the scalp of an infant. The cause is thought to be an overproduction of skin oil and a yeast called malessizia. Although it's not known why exactly this occurs, there are some things can that can trigger an outbreak such as: stress, weather extremes, oily skin, infrequent shampooing or skin cleaning, and irritants. Neurological conditions can be associated with seborrheic dermatitis like Parkinson's disease and strokes. Treatment can include medicated shampoos that one can get either over the counter or prescribed by a dermatologist if the case is too serious. These shampoos can contain salicylic acid, tar, coal, zinc or ketoconazole. This is a chronic lifetime condition that there is no cure for. However, it can be controlled by treatments so there is less flare-ups. I have this skin condition and it sucks. I had cradle cap as a baby but it went away by the time I was around 10 months and didn't have any further problems with it until I moved to California when I was 17. I've since gone to a dermatologist that has prescribed me medicated shampoo. He told me that I may be dealing with this for the rest of my life or it may disappear one day. The flare-ups are really itchy and I can see red patches on my scalp before the flaky scales show up. I'm just glad that it isn't anywhere else on my body so I guess I'm lucky in that respect. However, I long to have a normal scalp.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 13:20:07