I beg to differ Anna, and do agree with the wtreris behind the TV series Castle who had the title character say that knowing the story is the hardest part. Your post is long enough, and while I responded this morning off the cuff without reading any other comments, I know now that others, ahead of me disagreed as well (still haven't read what they said), I'm not going to react to each of your points, I'll stay with what my thoughts are about the difficulty of finding story versus writing words.Writing 100s of thousands of words is not the problem for me and many others. Often the story doesn't become clear until after the writer has written thousands of words. We don't write what we know but what we want to find out.Idea does not equal story.Countless are the times that someone told me, someone I respected, someone whose opinion was of value to me even, Now there's a story. And I would say, What, where, why? I knew I had just related an experience, performed if you will the dialogue with brie, but I knew, just that, was not enough to make a story.Knowing the story, and also, or even more important, why the story would be of interest to readers, and what the justification would be to try and have those words of ours published is way more difficult than going with The Flow.Seeing the forest for the trees is an accomplishment, so is noticing the gem among the pebbles, or better yet that one pebble among the pebbles that speaks to us; writing down the bones is far less so.My credo: Write on, write on writer, and the story may come to you.Judith van Praagb4s last blog post ..Like? 0
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 12:44:36