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'Nah, I wanted the book.' posted by Robwood - 15/02/2006, 21:58:35
'No, that's DVDs. (n/t)' posted by Admiral Memo - 18/02/2006, 20:36:04
'Really?' posted by Robwood - 19/02/2006, 00:23:14


I found the topic on
I found the topic on bone deformities iretnesting. I would have classified all bending of the spine as scoliosis, when actually there are three types of curvatures to the spine. Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. Kyphosis is the outward curve of the thoracic spine at the thoracic region and Lordosis is the inward curvature of the lumbar spine. Scoliosis is the abnormal curvature of the spine that can occur in varying degrees. It can be caused by weakening of the asystemetric muscles pulling the spine laterally and can result from diseases like polio or cerebral palsy. Symptoms of scoliosis are lower back pain and fatigue. The diagnosis of scoliosis is based on physical exam and x-ray. A 20 degree curvature is common in adolescents and may require no treatment. A curvature of 30 degrees in an adolescent must be treated by using a brace, 40 degrees or more requires surgery.Kyphosis is an exaggerated posterior curve of the thoracic spine sometimes called hunchback and occurs mostly in adults. It is more noticeable in the elderly. It is caused by collapsed vertebrae affected by osteoporosis and degenerative changes caused by arthritis of the vertebrae. Symptoms of Kyphosis are mild back pain, back fatigue, possible tenderness and in severe cases cause difficulty breathing. Kyphosis is diagnosed by physical exam and x-ray. There are fee treatment option and no cure.Lordosis can be called swayback and is an inward curvature of the lumbar vertebrae. Most cases of lordoiss is benign.I also thought the section on gout was iretnesting. I remember when I was little my mom talking about my uncle having gout but I never knew what it was. The cause of gout is unknown. Gout attacks occur when there is buildup of uric acid in the blood, which results either from a defect in metabolism of purines or from abnormal retention of uric acid or both. Gout affects 3 million Americans and is more common in men over the age of 40, but can affect postmenopausal women. Gout or gouty arthritis affects the joints of the feet especially the big toe but it can affect the joints in the hand, fingers, wrist or knee. Acute attacks of gout are generally sudden. During an acute attack, the joints may become inflamed have pain, produce heat, swelling and redness. Signs and symptoms can last days or even weeks. Chronic gout also occurs in which a person experiences persistent arthritis. Gout is diagnosed by microscopic examination of aspirated joint fluid. Acute gout can be treated with rest, application of hotor cold compresses, analgesics, colchicine, and corticosteroids. Chronic gout is treated with colchicine can prevents acute attacks. Urisosuric agents like probenecid promote excretion of uric acid alo can be used. Early detection and treatment of gout can prevent chronic gout from occurring.


16 december 2014, 11:30:29



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