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'**Smacks Aishae's hand**  No!  Bad!   (n/T)' posted by Corsair - 30/04/2006, 15:02:48
'sorry that wasnt my hand you hit, i have paws ;)' posted by Aishae of sentience - 30/04/2006, 15:26:52
'Well, I didn't want to be written up for animal abuse....;)   (n/T)' posted by Corsair - 30/04/2006, 18:43:35


Statistics on aborti
Statistics on abortion are skweed, because late-term abortions are counted as "stillbirths" not abortions.I dare say that most of the pictures on your website and your posters at anti-choice events are actually still births and not abortions, speaking of skewing things.You also have no evidence for your assertions, while links to the statistics proving sleazbear's assertions are common and easy to find.Fern is right - whether one considers a fetus a "person" or not is irrelevant. No "person" may exist by non-consensually living at the expense of, and off of the life of, another. Of course, the statistics point to something very interesting - that when unregulated, and completely and truly "free market" access to abortion exists, it works. Abortion is common when all but the most fanatical would consider the fetus non-sentient, non-viable and for all practical purposes, not a person and grows less common as these factors change. Women free to choose the procedure combined with doctors also free offer a service (or not) result in exactly the correct outcome.Of course, if SUZANNE was really serious about preventing abortions, she would wholeheartedly support contraception of all kinds. But she isn't. She is avowedly against it. Why? Because the idea of a woman with a free sexuality who can choose to control her own behavior is anathema. She is against both birth control and abortion because she needs them to punish women for daring to be independent.That is why her and her ilk love fetuses, but seem to hate them the minute they are born. They bend over backward to keep birth control from teenagers, making it more likely they will become pregnant too early and "out of wedlock". They then prevent that same teen from controlling her body and correcting the mistake or deciding to have children only when she is ready to - they must take responsibility, you see. Having a child is punishment for daring to have sex. And once the single teen has their out of wedlock child, they are treated by these holier than thou prigs as a social pariah - a welfare queen or a whore.Simple this is pure evil.And even more strangely, it is completely wrong. In Canada (and Australia as I remember) and the US, the typical woman having an abortion is a married woman between 25-35 with at least one other child. That is, a woman deciding that the quality of life of her existing children and family is more important than following the mindless dogma of the likes of SUZANNE. A woman who does not come by that decision lightly.But SUZANNE would rather all women become chattel slaves than have the ability to make that decision. She would do it by force of law and the violence that is the state.No thanks, but I would rather not live in that totalitarian hell. And I'll be damned if I let my daughter grow up in it.


16 december 2014, 11:16:49



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