Adam, Your articles isetrent me so much and i try reading them as much as possible. This is one great read, best to start the day from this part of the world. I live in Sri Lanka, enjoying the freedom after a bitter war in the nothern part of Sri Lanka. I m a mum of 2 young kids, and the effort and time i put into, to give out the world two worthwhile individuals is no easy task, but hard work is paying off:)Parenting nowadays is the most challenged act, you believe me, you need to be skilled:) Thank you so much Adam, looking at your cute' face, one would never believe that you ve had that'messed up' life at one stage in life:)))However, your mum is right, she should be proud of his son, you re awesome, what you try to give out the world is more awesome', I am shaing this article, it s such a reminder to some of the parents who are so irresponsible and less caring.Keep going Adam, inspiring someone to do something is of course is a gift from god. Great article.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 09:00:55