Hi Kate, sorry this is a long one.In Highland region there has been a dtsirac cut in Computing staff over the last 10 years. Out of 26 secondary schools only 16 have Computing. Over the last 5 years I would say around 10+ teachers have retired and not been replaced. A number of schools have been reduced from 2 staff to 1. The end of this year I already know of at least 2 more staff retiring and pupils being told there will be no Computing in August.I can’t be exact with my figures as even my own authority when questioned claim they can’t give me exact info on Computing teachers??? I act as the regional subject contact and try to keep up communication between us all. I do get to question various managers who agree with all our points and issues but I am always told that information is fedback to the “powers that be†– that is 4 years with no response. All media coverage and latest reports are passed on.I personally work in a school like many in Highland that went from 2 teachers with large classes to just myself a few years back. I knew S1/2 was in danger but saw CfE as a real positive, creating a brand new course while knowing staffing in Business Ed would be cut meaning the course would not run. I certainly dispelled the myths of “all pupils doing 3rd level outcomes†and “creative and innovative new courses will runâ€. We were given a positive HMIe inspection Jan 2011 but I was disappointed that ICT was not on their radar and the inspectors had few answers on my questions and concerns. Our ICT faculty has no classes S1/2 – we are covering none of the Computing/Business outcomes and have major concerns with no change in Primary school education. It is clear even basic ICT skills are lacking. Science get S1/2 3pds a week.I am to have two 3 period a week option classes for S3 Computing, 4th level outcomes with pupils who have no previous Computing or even ICT. It does seem clear that we still need to have the majority of pupils reaching N5 by the end of S4.CPD needs to be in regional hubs due to our geography and even then it is difficult just within Highland. I personally don’t mind being given materials to work through myself but we have such I wide range of new software to get through it requires a range of teachers working in different areas and sharing basic starter materials. We are only given one day a year to get all Computing colleagues together. Robert Gordon University have offered us free CPD but I don’t think we would be able to get all staff together.There are so many options of software, in a range of areas, we need a central web space to show a few examples of the best similar applications to get started and it needs regularly updated. I have spent hours on certain software materials to then find a better alternative soon after and it is ever-changing. All required Computing areas also need Freeware material options as money is almost non-existent. We also have just started a new ICT contract which is making even basic software installation very difficult but that is story for another time…I really hope the government are going to be going to authorities and schools asking how they are teaching Computing.Darren
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 16 december 2014, 08:57:08