Hey all.
Now, getting back to Star Trek for a moment...
I finally bought a new Computin' Machine, so I'm more able to run a lot of stuff, as opposed to the old Indescribable Hulk. But it survives on because of..... take a guess.
A 56k modem.
Now isn't that the lark? I need it to filter spam phone calls, and ya just can't get-em in PCIe, at least not that I've found. If your mileage varies, please, tell us about it.
I didn't think I'd get back on here, having forgot my password and been unwilling to admit it. Then.....just like that, I had to think about it some more. And additional worry was whether or not I'd be able to breach the craftiness and cunning behind Dummy's security measures. But, as I see, better men than me were able to, so I'm golden.
Now, aside the establishing my Sev Bonifidies, so it won't be thrown away in the next spam wash. ( More SUDS! With Lanolin, {or was that Michael Landon?}) Man, look at all those asides!
I found this site recently and thoroughly enjoiyed the idea and the episodes. (Yes, we're back to the Star Trek thing now, please keep up).
It's good to see that someone (a lot of someones), Somewhere, is Doing Something to keep things alive.
Best effort since Star Trek Phase II.
And some really great guest stars as well. Y'know, these kind of things would be perfect for spoofing, if only we could figure out a way to do that online. Maybe a cartoon or something. Ah well, I can't put my finger on it right now.
So here it is. Be brutal in the flaming, because as you know, no Star Trek fan is happy unless they're arguing Star Trek.
My mind is like lightning, one brilliant flash and then it's gone.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 15 june 2014, 11:20:25