So we're all moved in.. well our stuff is in the new house at least, just not in any sense of order though... The place looks like a bomb went off.
Two days of drama. Hassles getting access to the house due to delayed settlement between the banks and mortgage lenders (too bad that we'd rented the 2 tonne self drive truck and now had it sitting for most of the first day in the driveway unable to be used...) Driving said truck back and forth trying to get 2 days worth of work done in 1 and a half days. Working loading and unloading until 3.00am in the morning AND having to do so in a full on thunderstorm which chose that time to hit Perth (rain, lightning, thunder - all that was missing was the hail). Collapsing into bed finally and sleeping like rocks. Dropping the truck off before the 7.00am due time the next morning after only 3 hours sleep. Aches, pains and bruises in places we'd forgotten we had the next morning, and now the big UNPACK of everything... I never knew we had to much useless crap stuff...
Obviously Telstra got their act together for once as I'm back online after only 24 hours, and not the 5 days that they'd originally said. They didn't do a perfect job though because they transferred our phone connection but NEGLECTED to say that our number had also changed as we're in a different zone. So testing our phone by ringing from the cell phones showed that our phone *didn't* work but a 20 minute phonecall to Tele-help line fixed that at least and got us an apology. I also took the time to have a whinge about the 5 day delay on the internet re-connect and I think the Tele-help girl must have bumped us up the list or something because this afternoon it came back online - as is obvious because I'm posting this...
Today was back to our old place for a final cleanup and run through the house to see what we'd missed. Then closing the door for the last time, all of which was rather emotional because we were the people that had the house built back in 1999, so basically everything that house is, is because of us and our decisions. My contribution to the city infrastructure as it were...
So for the next few weeks I'm going to be busy busy busy unpacking and putting everything away, and then we plan to paint the inside of the new house completely because it obviously hasn't been done since the place was originally painted when it was built in 2004 and there are chips and scratches and general wear and tear.
Good thing I have my long service leave for another 12 weeks so I can work like a dog away from "work"...! :P
I colour stuff...
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 22 july 2011, 23:39:04